Meet the Pendle Award Winners

Meet our Pendle Award winners


Presented by the Mississauga Foundation

The Pendle Award for Philanthropy recognizes outstanding contributions to the community through philanthropy and volunteerism. Established in 2010 as part of the Mississauga Foundation's tenth anniversary celebrations, this prestigious award is named in honor of the Pendle Fund donors, one of the Foundation's earliest and largest contributors. Their strategic, thoughtful approach to giving continues to inspire and transform our community.

Award Overview

The Pendle Award is given to individuals, organizations, and corporations that have demonstrated the power of philanthropy to make a lasting impact on Mississauga. The recipients of this award exemplify the values of the Mississauga Foundation—thoughtfulness, inclusivity, and a deep commitment to positive community change.

Selection and Recognition

A selection committee, consisting of former Board Members and appointed representatives, reviews nominations and selects the award recipient. The winner is honored at the Foundation's December Board Meeting, with their achievements recognized in the Foundation’s newsletter and across its social media platforms.

Download the PDF to learn more about the nomination criteria.

Meet our Pendle Award Winners